
Milan kundera from the joke to insignificance
Milan kundera from the joke to insignificance

His essays and philosophical discussions within his novels reveal a lot.

milan kundera from the joke to insignificance

He has not given aninterview in 30 years and doesn’t appear in public, so we must learn about himfrom his work. The story line of the film is mentioned below “Milan Kundera is shrouded in mystery. Thestudent attempts to track Kundera down by approaching the author’s friends, whoprovide the bulk of the information.

milan kundera from the joke to insignificance

So the documentary was made around a student who is writing a Thesis. Kundera, an elusive writer, does not give interviews for media,and likes to be private – one can only find a few interviews of him in the internet,which are 3-4 decades old, and most of his photographs are also over 40 yearsold. His theoretical work ‘The Art of the Novel’ isconsidered to be a path-breaking literary analysis. But his other novelssuch as ‘The Joke’, ‘Life Is Elsewhere’, Farewell Walz’, The Book of Laughterand Forgetting’, ‘Immortality’, ‘Slowness’ and ‘Identity’ are also wellreceived by the critics.

milan kundera from the joke to insignificance

MilanKundera is best-known internationally for his 1984 novel ‘The Unbearable- Lightness of Being’, and the popular film adapted from it. He has not kept close ties with his home country,and until recently, he hasn’t let his novels be translated into Czech. Kundera, 92 was born in Brno, Czechoslavakia, and has lived in Paris since 1975. However, the publicity-shy author does not appear in the film while his friends help to fill in the gaps.

milan kundera from the joke to insignificance

The film which was directed by Czech film maker Miloslav Šmídmajer’, was opened on October 21 in Czech screens and later on it started to hit the French screens.Īpart from directing, Šmídmajer he also collaborates with Jakub Vansa to write the script and also joins with Jiřina Budíková to produce the documentary. A documentary film on world renowned Czech writer Milan Kundera was launched recently in Prague as Milan Kundera: From The Joke to Insignificance’ (Milan Kundera: Od Žertu k Bezvýznamnosti) - the title refers to his first and most recent novels.

Milan kundera from the joke to insignificance