Justine, whom Vanessa always sees as beautiful and attentive, is in an on-again, off-again relationship with the younger Carmichael brother, Caleb. Growing older has made relations with the Carmichaels change. The Carmichaels have known the Sands family for a long time, and the Carmichael boys have been inseparable from Justine and Vanessa since the first day they met. Together, they are good friends with a family in the summer house next to theirs. Vanessa always hangs out with her sister Justine, who jumps between boyfriends and attention grabbing stunts every day.

Vanessa and her family have taken a trip to Winter Harbor, Maine, every summer. Siren is a slower-paced book that balances a paranormal mystery with a strong romance that may make those tired of the usual YA fare take interest. There are admittedly a lot of paranormal creatures that I’d sell out for, but I find the most romantic creature to be the mermaid/mermaid-like creature. You will love the characters (oh-so well developed!), especially Aunt Evie and Cruz! And even though I’m giving those two a special attention, I can assure you that every characters are lovable.John B- Reviews mermaid / Paranormal / Young-Adult 4 CommentsĬreatures of the sea are my paranormal weakness. I’m pretty sure you will love this book, maybe even more than how I loved it–and it’s a big thing especially if it’s coming from me, someone who never had an appreciation about mermaids until now. She met Ethan and everything just became lighter and brighter for her.īut before I could reveal more things about the book (spoilers!), I’d better stop now.

The story is about Marina - a not-your-typical heroine who moved in with her aunt and cousin Cruz at Aptos, trying to fit in at the new place she was at, and ignoring people who kept thinking and calling her a freak. But life isn’t all sour and bitter for Marina.

And what’s even more fascinating is that there are more stuffs that happened apart from the topic about mermaids. It just made me want to continue reading, regardless if my stomach was empty, or if my mouth was dry for thirst. Until now, I still don’t know how a fish and a human were able to make this hybrid but that didn’t take away my interest to read this book! Though started at a slow-paced storytelling, the story progressed immediately. But Between The Land and The Sea is something that I really don’t have anything to say that can be against it!

I am the kind of book reviewer who doesn’t really say bad things about stories that I’ve read because I believe that each and every books that we have are all given the right amount of care and time.