
Amos and boris book
Amos and boris book

amos and boris book amos and boris book

\"Help!\" he squeakedas he grabbed desperately at the Rodent. Overwhelmed by the beauty and mystery of everything, he rolled over and over and right off the deck of his boat and into the sea. One night, in a phosphorescentsea,he marveled at the sight of some whales spouting luminous water and later, lying on the deck of his boat gazing at the immense, starry sky, the tiny mouse Amos, a little speckof a living thing in the vast living universe, felt thoroughly akin to it all. Day and night he moved up and down, up and down, on waves as big as mountains,and he was full of wonder, full of enter- prise, and full of love for life. And Amos, after one miserable day of seasickness,proved to be a natural sailor, very well suited to the ship. The Rodent,for that was the boat's name, proved to be very well made and very well suited to the sea. On the sixth of September, with a very calm sea, he waited till the high tide had almost reachedhis boat then, using his most savage strength, he just managed to push the boat into the water, climb on board, and set sail. When the boat was finished,he loaded it with cheese,biscuits, acorns,honey, wheat germ, two barrelsof freshwater, a compass, a sextant, a telescope,a saw, a hammer and nails and some wood in caserepairsshould be necessary,a needleand thread for the mending of torn sails,and various other necessitiessuch as band- agesand iodine, a yo-yo and playing cards. One day he started building a boat on the beach.He worked on it in the daytime, while at night he studiednavigation.

amos and boris book

He thought a lot about the ocean, and he wondered about the farawayplaceson the other sideof the water. He loved to hear the surf sounds- the bursting breakers,the backwasheswith rolling pebbles.

amos and boris book

WILLIAM STEIG AMOS e BORIS Old Wire Elementary - 3rd Grade Amos and Boris Module 1 - The Sea 2019-2020 Rogers Public Schools 7 of 13 Set 4Īmos, a mouse, lived by the ocean.He loved the ocean.

Amos and boris book